🗃️ Libraries
2 items
📄️ HCS-1 Standard: File Data Management with Hedera Consensus Service
The HCS-1 standard provides a systematic approach to encode, chunk, upload, retrieve, and reassemble file data for applications using Hedera Consensus Service (HCS). This process is agnostic of the implementation details, focusing on the JSON structure and the use of a Topic ID for efficient data management.
📄️ HCS-2 Standard: Advanced Topic Registries
Status: Published
📄️ HCS-20 Standard: Auditable Points Standard on Hedera
HCS-20 is a new proposed standard (created by @TurtelMoonCC & @HGraphPunks) that defines how points can be managed and audited on the Hedera network. It is inspired by the BRC-20 protocol on Ordinals and has extended the functionality to auditable points in addition to introducing inscriptions on Hedera / Hashinals.
📄️ HCS-3 Standard: Recursion within Hedera Consensus Service
Status: Published
📄️ HCS-5 Standard: Tokenized HCS-1 Files, **Hashinals**
This specification provides a standard way to "inscribe" Hashinals utilizing the Hedera Consensus and Hedera Token Services. Hashinals borrow many ideas from Ordinal theory on Bitcoin, and apply them in a more efficient, and scalable way for the Hedera Hashgraph.
📄️ HCS-6 Standard: Dynamic Hashinals
Status: Published
📄️ HCS-7: Smart Hashinals: A Micro-DSL for Deterministic Topic Selection.
Status: Draft
📄️ HCS-8 Standard: Poll Topic Standard
The HCS-8 standard introduces a framework to use Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) topics to manage polls.